Safeguarding all of our participants is of paramount importance to use. It is not your responsibility to decide whether a child or adult has been abused but to report any concerns appropriately. For children, you have a legal duty of care to pass on the concern appropriately with or without their permission, or the permission of their parents. For an adult, you would usually only do so with their consent, but you should still inform the Club Welfare Officer or Snowsport England Safeguarding Lead, as there are times we need to report without consent.
Meet our Club Welfare Officer:
What Club Welfare Officers Do
Exeter Ski Club is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk who ski with the club.
The Club Welfare Officer role is to oversee the Safeguarding and welfare of all our members and day members, and to be a point of contact to discuss any concerns. You will see me at many of the sessions and I am always available to discuss any concerns that you might have.
I have previously been involved as both an instructor and an Adaptive Trainer at the club but I have now retired from those roles. I have recently completed the Children Welfare Coaching course with Snowsport England.
Anyone who wishes to raise a matter of concern may do so knowing that I will deal with it sensitively, confidentially, discreetly and with honesty of purpose.
Denise Leeper, Club Welfare Officer
To Report a Concern
Phone Denise on 07816 759020, or e-mail her on
Other contacts:
Snowsport England Safeguarding Lead: Mark Vaughan (tel: 07462 156784).
Snowsport England: 'raising concerns' - Safeguarding - Snowsport England
NSPCC Helpline - e-mail:, tel: 0808 800 5000
Exeter Police - tel : 08452 777444
Children Social Services - tel: 0345 155 1071
Adult Social Services - tel: 0345 155 1071
Child Line - tel: 0800 111
Child Line Text: shout 85258 (can speak to a volunteer 24/7
Snowsport England Policies
As a club we have adopted the following Snowsport England policies:
SnowSafe Children Policy - Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
Snowsafe Adults - Safeguarding Adults Policy
SnowSafe Adults Procedures - Safeguarding Adults' Procedures
Information for Children, Young People and Parents
Information for Adults Participating in Snowsport
Exeter Ski Club Safeguarding Policies
Online Safety and Communication
Code of Conduct and Ethics - Adult Members
Code of Conduct and Ethics - Young People
Code of Conduct and Ethics - Volunteers and Officials
Code of Conduct and Ethics - Coaches and Instructors